Community Updates

DLive “Thank you” Thanksgiving Event Winners

We want to say a massive “Thank you” to everybody who participated in the latest Thanksgiving event – we had an absolute blast – and hope you did too!

Please find below the list of winners, each grabbing a Ninjaghini each!


  1. Rook
  2. SeanHawk
  3. MythicBee
  4. Kallisti
  5. Detuned
  6. FrickinBagwell


  1. SassyVixenGaming
  2. Dennako
  4. Mgigity
  5. VibrantKimiko
  6. ZizzleHD
  7. BeeredOssie
  8. Veyna
  9. ufa_Wired
  10. SirPandaFrost


  1. nedasoo
  2. brijei
  3. badhammy
  4. Spadoinkledoink
  5. Kuma-Clause
  6. DottorHealer
  7. Disportum
  8. Kitty_Fusiongtx
  9. NOOBita
  10. Mr.K.Validator


  1. Boomer_Live
  2. ShadowBunny
  3. aF_Assault
  4. CyberGrinder
  5. AverytheFurry
  6. Quave
  7. SkyGaming
  8. ABLA
  9. FailGamer
  10. Kamkraft_gaming

GIVING6923141 (20 Winners – see below 😬)

  1. sheshin
  2. The.Savior
  3. Supersportgames
  4. Kittakee
  5. smokeu
  6. Classytubz
  7. kallie
  8. rikiblades
  9. jermm
  10. Roundel
  11. Dlive_Greyson
  12. KingNothing
  13. katalina-ooma
  14. BlackHeartG60
  15. fluffy
  16. AceMaximillion
  17. oz_dostlar
  18. axerider7
  19. charmanderel
  20. Otter_Games


  1. Reptile
  2. fadpanta
  3. Flamenco
  4. the_elder_gamesman
  5. SweetVanilla
  6. Anarchyinuranus
  7. A_BiShOp
  8. Shiruht
  9. Helfdane
  10. Prof.Dr.xberkikx


* Additional Winners

Woops!  Tidy had too much Eggnog and didn’t press save on the final code page 😬.  We have selected an extra 10 winners (20 in total) for the code: GIVING6923141

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